Nina’s Blog
The Science and Politics of Nutrition

Do low-carb diets shorten life?

Do low-carb diets shorten life? Recent headlines from a Harvard study caused a scare. Here’s my in-depth critique of that study. (Story is free with registration)

Barilla pasta meddling in nutrition science

See this post at The Nutrition Coalition about how Barilla pasta has for nearly a decade been funding a major campaign to promote carbs as “Good for health and good for the planet.” This involves promoting grains/pasta as healthy, which the company has been doing by funding nutrition scientists to “find” that pasta helps with …

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My op-ed in WSJ: Evidence does not show that low-carb diets shorten life

My op-ed in the WSJ today, responding to the study claiming that the low-carb diet shortens life. The U.S. government’s nutrition advice since 1980 has mainly been to increase consumption of carbohydrates and avoid fats. Despite following this advice for nearly four decades, Americans are sicker and fatter than ever. Such a record of failure …

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Former FDA Commissioner Says We Have “Failed” in our Nutritional Advice

Former FDA commissioner challenging traditional dietary guidelines

In an extraordinary exchange, former FDA commissioner David Kessler challenged NYU professor Marion Nestle about what we think we “know” about a healthy diet. This video is well worth watching. The exchange crystalizes a very basic difference of opinion that exists among nutrition researchers today: those who question the basic tenets of our nutritional guidelines …

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Interview with Tim and Marilyn Noakes about their (2nd) victory

Nina Teicholz interviews Tim & Marilyn Noakes

  Last week, I had the privilege of speaking to Tim and Marilyn Noakes about their victory, how they’ve managed to survive 4+ difficult years of living under the allegations against Tim, the millions spent to defend the science, and their hopes for change in the future–so that no one will have to suffer the …

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US Food Consumption Data

Graphic showing percent of Americans following dietary advice

Americans Have Been Following Nutrition Guidelines – According to New Food Consumption Data The government just published a new report on American food availability. This is big news! The last such report was published nearly a decade ago. This report confirms what the last one found: In nearly every way possible, Americans have followed official …

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The Deal on DASH

Recently, US News and World Report published its annual diet rankings, and as usual, DASH was at the top. This is irresponsible. The DASH diet was designed to help reduce blood pressure for people with hypertension. It makes no sense to recommend this diet to a general population, for the main reason that DASH has pretty much only …

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My Press Release on BMJ Decision Not to Retract

The BMJ Logo

The BMJ Stands by Study Questioning Scientific Validity of U.S. Dietary Guidelines 2015 peer-reviewed article by Nina Teicholz had been target of an unprecedented retraction effort December 3, 2016 New York, NY — In a victory for science, The BMJ (formerly The British Medical Journal) today stood in support of a peer-reviewed study it published in September 2015 by investigative journalist Nina Teicholz, which …

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