Meredith Engel, New York Daily News, “Don’t Fear Fat, Says Author of New Book, ‘The Big Fat Surprise'”

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Fat: friend or foe? Friend, says journalist Nina Teicholz, who spent about a decade working on her new book, ‘The Big Fat Surprise.’ In it, she claims that saturated fats — commonly found in red meat, cheeses and other decadent foods — have gotten a bad rep, and that our bodies suffer without their inclusion in our diet.


Fat: friend or foe? Friend, says journalist Nina Teicholz, who spent about a decade working on her new book, ‘The Big Fat Surprise.’ In it, she claims that saturated fats — commonly found in red meat, cheeses and other decadent foods — have gotten a bad rep, and that our bodies suffer without their inclusion in our diet.

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