Featured Media
This page includes examples of the most notable media appearances featuring Nina Teicholz. Learn more about her and her book “The Big Fat Surprise” by accessing the various articles, podcast episodes, and media segments from the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Nightline and MSNBC available on this page.

Praise the Lard....
This is a great article that appeared in the FT. I'm so pleased that people are still reading my book. Will take a long time to shift views on saturated fats after 70y of misinformation. My thanks to Alice Hancock for reporting on this still-relevant story.

Counting calories won't reduce obesity. So why are we requiring restaurants to post them?
Counting calories is now the law of the land. This month, a long-delayed regulation came into effect requiring all food chains with 20 or more locations to list calorie information on their menus. Nutritionists fought to include the rule in the Affordable Care Act as a means of fighting obesity. But it turns out the regulation is based on weak science.

Joe Rogan Experience #1058 - Nina Teicholz
Nina Teicholz is an investigative journalist and author of "The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat, & Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet"

Episode 52: Nina Teicholz on saturated fat, U.S. dietary guidelines, and the shortcomings of nutrition science
Investigative journalist Nina Teicholz joined Ken and Dawn remotely from a studio in New York City in mid-September for a fascinating discussion about the history and pitfalls of nutrition science.

Nutritionist Ancel Keys, once the pride of UMN research, presents a fat problem for modern science
The diet guru once traveled the globe and helped to establish a whole field, but a small and growing contingency takes different lessons from his tenure.

“Carbs, Good for You? Fat Chance! ”
Since the 1980 call for Americans to increase their consumption of carbohydrates and avoid fats, the general health of the entire population has declined to an all-time low. Why, if this is the case, is the government continuing to promote carbs and, as a result, misleading the public and putting peoples’ health at risk? Nina Teicholz reports.

“The Latest Attack on Low-Carb Diets: Science or Politics? ”
The low-carb diet has been proven to reverse diabetes, promote weight loss, and improve most heart disease risk factors. But, one recent paper published in the the Lancet has stated the opposite, arguing that a low-carb diet shortens lives. Which assertion is the right one?

Nina Teicholz - 'Red Meat and Health'
Nina Teicholz is a New York Times bestselling investigative science journalist who has played a pivotal role in challenging the conventional wisdom on dietary fat. Her groundbreaking work, 'The Big Fat Surprise', which The Economist named as the #1 science book of 2014, has led to a profound rethinking on whether we have been wrong to think that fat, including saturated fat, causes disease.

Diet Doctor, "Journalist Nina Teicholz: In the world of nutrition, a bulldozer for truth"
Nina Teicholz’s 2014 book The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat & Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet is a bestseller that continues to get kudos for its meticulous research, engaging writing and iconoclastic takedown of the 60-year war against dietary fat.

Weekend Opinion Piece in The Wall Street Journal:
“The Questionable Link Between Saturated Fat and Heart Disease”
‘Saturated fat does not cause heart disease’—or so concluded a big study published in March in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine. How could this be? The very cornerstone of dietary advice for generations has been that the saturated fats in butter, cheese and red meat should be avoided because they clog our arteries. For many diet-conscious Americans, it is simply second nature to opt for chicken over sirloin, canola oil over butter.

Nightline: “Could Saturated Fat Be Good For You?”
Author of a new health book believes the way people think about fat in food is totally wrong. Americans used to eat 3-to-4 times more red meat than they do today.

CBC’s The Current: ‘Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat’ – Nina Teicholz’s Big Surprise
Ever think our understanding of fat and what’s fattening is off? Today, science journalist Nina Teicholz takes us through what she says is the flawed thinking and the flawed science that has shaped nutrition and public health policies for decades. Get ready for A Big Fat Surprise.

The Leonard Lopate Show: “Eating Fat Doesn’t Make Us Fat”
For decades, many people have believed that fat, especially saturated fat, makes us gain weight, but that turns out not to be true. Investigative journalist Nina Teicholz documents how the low-fat nutrition advice of the past 60 years has had disastrous consequences for our health.

Interview on Medscape with Tricia Ward
EXCERPT Editor’s Note: The role of dietary fat, particularly saturated fat, in coronary artery disease (CAD) has been debated. The 2013 American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology Guideline on Lifestyle Management to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk continues to recommend a diet comprising 5%-6% saturated fat. With meta-analyses challenging the notion that saturated fat intake increases CAD risk, perhaps it’s no surprise that among the New York Times best-selling books in 2014 was The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat & Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet. The author, Nina Teicholz, spoke with theheart.org | Medscape Cardiology.

Weekends with Alex Witt: ”Why You Should Eat Butter”
Alex Witt talks to author Nina Teicholz about her new book, ‘The Big Fat Surprise’, which tells us that foods like butter, milk and cheese are part of a healthy diet.

The FIVE, Fox News Insider: “Is Everything We Know About Saturated Fat Wrong?”
Is everything we’ve been told about eating fat wrong? A recent study showed that there’s no good evidence that saturated fats found in foods like butter, cheese or red meat causes heart disease. So is it time to end that bacon strike?

Nina Teicholz at TEDxEast: “The Big Fat Surprise“
Nina Teicholz speaks about her book, The Big Fat Surprise, to a TedEx East audience.

KQED, FORUM with Michael Krasny: “Can a High-Fat Diet Be Good for You?”
Nina Teicholz speaks with host Mina Kim about the value of a high-fat diet.

Yahoo! Shine: “Myth: Low-Fat Diets Prevent Cancer”
Book Excerpt, Big Fat Surprise A widely held belief about women’s health-that dietary fat causes cancer, including breast cancer, has turned out not to be supported by scientific evidence. From The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat & Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet.

The Atlantic: “How We Got Red Meat Wrong”
Investigative journalist Nina Teicholz, author of The Big Fat Surprise, explains how several shocking discoveries led her to radically change her family’s diet.

Op-Ed on CNN.com: “Our Fear of Fat is Melting”
Eating fat helps heart health and weight loss, concluded a widely reported clinical trial this week. The result did not surprise close followers of nutrition science since it echoed a decade’s worth of similar studies. But, unlike its predecessors, the new trial was not ignored by nutrition experts and the media; that was the real news. It’s a sign that a half-century-long fear of dietary fat might finally be melting away, exactly the breakthrough needed to start healing the nation’s health.

Op-Ed in The Wall Street Journal: “The Last Anti-Fat Crusaders”
The top scientist guiding the U.S. government’s nutrition recommendations made an admission last month that would surprise most Americans. Low-fat diets, Alice Lichtenstein said, are ”probably not a good idea.”

Opinion Piece in the New York Times: “The Government’s Bad Diet Advice”
FOR two generations, Americans ate fewer eggs and other animal products because policy makers told them that fat and cholesterol were bad for their health. Now both dogmas have been debunked in quick succession.

New York Times: “Should We Be Scared of Butter?”
Is butter, along with other sources of saturated fats, back on the table, as many have recently claimed?

Washington Monthly: “Meat Puppets”
…the Annals of Internal Medicine published a remarkable study on the comparative health benefits of low-fat versus low-carbohydrate diets.