In Print
This page features articles and publications written about Nina Teicholz and her critically-acclaimed book “The Big Fat Surprise”, along with pieces written by Nina Teicholz herself. Nina has been featured in and has written for widely-read publications like the LA Times, the New York Times, Elle, and more. Read more below.

Praise the Lard....
This is a great article that appeared in the FT. I'm so pleased that people are still reading my book. Will take a long time to shift views on saturated fats after 70y of misinformation. My thanks to Alice Hancock for reporting on this still-relevant story.

Counting calories won't reduce obesity. So why are we requiring restaurants to post them?
Counting calories is now the law of the land. This month, a long-delayed regulation came into effect requiring all food chains with 20 or more locations to list calorie information on their menus. Nutritionists fought to include the rule in the Affordable Care Act as a means of fighting obesity. But it turns out the regulation is based on weak science.

Nutritionist Ancel Keys, once the pride of UMN research, presents a fat problem for modern science
The diet guru once traveled the globe and helped to establish a whole field, but a small and growing contingency takes different lessons from his tenure.

Time Magazine: “Ending the War on Fat”
Story lays out the arguments in The Big Fat Surprise – a major coup for changing the conversation about fat and saturated fat.

“Are Some Diets Mass Murder?”
From low fat to Atkins and beyond, diets that are based on poor nutrition science are a type of global, uncontrolled experiment that may lead to bad outcomes, concludes Richard Smith.

London Evening Standard: “Eat Fat, Get Thin: The New Diet Rules”
When you join a new gym, you don’t expect to be sent home with a long list of fats to introduce into your diet. Neither is it normal to be given a workout plan that lasts for no longer than 15 minutes. Isn’t that just a warm-up? But that’s exactly what happened to me at The Library, a boutique gym in Notting Hill that specialises in superfast workouts and rapid results. The owner, Zana Morris, was confident I’d shift at least 5lb on her 12-day starter programme, a regime that involved gorging on ribeye steaks, whole avocados and great dollops of cream cheese plus lifting weights so heavy you’re almost sick with exertion.

The Week: “The Glorious Return of the Egg: Why Uncle Same Is a Horrible Nutritionist.”
Put down that egg-white omelet. Whole eggs aren’t going to give you a heart attack. So says the government now, after 40 years of warning that eggs are killing you, and funding bad research to ‘confirm’ that they do, and employing experts to shout down nutritionists who say they don’t.

The Kansas City Star: “I Love Red Meat, Rich Foods, and Science Says It’s OK.”
It was our first Sunday-at-sundown, coed gathering of the new year, following a three-week holiday break, and I had been eating appropriately indulgently for some time: juicy chuck roasts, pan-seared T-bones and salted butter troweled on thick slices of homemade bread.

Elle: “If the Low-Fat Diet Is a Lie, What the Hell Should We Eat?”
For decades the low-fat, high-carb diet was gospel. Now science is singing a very different tune. So what’s a woman to believe?

Daily Mail, UK: “How butter and cheese can keep you slim – and even ward off diabetes: Saturated fat has long been demonized by doctors, but evidence now suggests it could be healthy.”
Eating fat helps heart health and weight loss, concluded a widely reported clinical trial this week. The result did not surprise close followers of nutrition science since it echoed a decade’s worth of similar studies. But, unlike its predecessors, the new trial was not ignored by nutrition experts and the media; that was the real news. It’s a sign that a half-century-long fear of dietary fat might finally be melting away, exactly the breakthrough needed to start healing the nation’s health.

Cosmopolitan UK: “Eat More Fat. Yes, I Said It.”
As the fat vs sugar debate rumbles on Nina Teicholz, author of The Big Fat Surprise, explains why doctors have been wrong about our diets all along…

Times Live: “Noakes Diet Has Devotees by Doctors, Scientists and Dieticians Aren’t So Sure”
Noakes’s guru is US investigative journalist Nina Teicholz. ‘If you haven’t read her book The Big Fat Surprise, you’re clueless’, he says.

Times of London: “Experts Have Been Feeding Us a Big Fat Myth”
‘A devastating new book…. shows that the low-fat craze was based on flimsy evidence. Nina Teicholz, an experienced journalist who spent eight years tracking down all the evidence for and against the advice to eat low-fat diets, finds that it was based on flimsy evidence, supported by an intolerant consensus backed by vested interests and amplified by a docile press.’

Star Tribune: “Chocolate Milk in the Schools and Other Products of Expert Opinion”
Right before the end of the school year, it finally occurred to me to ask my fourth-grader if she ever drank chocolate milk at school. It turns out she did every day. Her whole table drinks it, she told me at the time — it’s one big chocolate-milk party over there. She’s a good kid and wants to please her parents, so I told her to please, sweet darling, knock it off. I have my doubts. We try to pack her lunch, but since it’s hard to stock small cartons of the whole milk she ravishes at home, we don’t have a lot of control over what she drinks in the cafeteria during the school year. Those options are squarely in the hands of the USDA.